Architecture of a system Domovea:


Installed preferably on a dedicated PC It manages the automatic sequence, management of IP cameras, alarm notifications, events ...

To control devices, the server (including the PC it is installed) must be based on all the time

Through the USB interface / KNX, the server centralizes all functions Domovea and affects all devices in a facility Tebis


Installed on an unlimited number of PCs in the same network with the PC server, the software displays the GUI client and connect to the server, to act on the apparatus installation Tebis.

The configurator:

This is the part of Domovea software that allows the installer to achieve the desired configuration of an installation Tebis.

Can be installed on the server if the user plans to change himself the parameters of its installation, but not an obligation.




The parties server and client can be installed on one PC (stand-alone architecture) but a dedicated server and one or more PC client (-s) remains a priority for a more scalable desktop solution.


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